Paging Dr. iPhone: ThermoDock takes your temperature


Medisana ThermoDock

Is it hot in here, or is it just me? You can find the answer to that question with the iPhone ThermoDock.

The Medisana ThermoDock gets you one step closer to having a medical toolkit like Dr. McCoy on "Star Trek." This is an infrared device that plugs into your iPhone. Point it at your forehead, your dog, or your iPad 3, and take its temperature.

The nice thing about infrared is that you don't have to stick the ThermoDock where the sun don't shine. That means your iPhone stays at a safe distance from steaming coffee mugs, people carrying around flu germs, and grumpy children.

This gadget can also be used to check the ambient temperature of your room or the great outdoors. As we like to say here in New Mexico, "It's a dry heat!"

Medisana ThermoDock

So go ahead. Get hot under the collar. Watch a pot as it boils. Burn the candle at both ends. With a ThermoDock, you'll know exactly how hot that is.

The ThermoDock works with the free VitaDock app to track data. You can see how steamy you get before, during, and after a workout, for example.

The hardware component costs about $95 through Firebox.

via [ cnet ]

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