'Discus' underwater hotel planned for Dubai with underwater rooms 10m below surface


The Discus underwater Resort

When a country has hotels like the Burj Al Arab, the Real Madrid Resort, the Burj Khalifa, and the Apeiron Island, something weirdly futuristic and forthcoming seems like a day to day affair almost. But then, when you have suite rooms 10 meters below the sea surface, all housed in disc like buildings, it does manage to divert your attention towards it, anyways. The ‘Discus’ as it is being called, is going to be a joint collaboration of Drydocks World and a Swiss firm, who have been in the mood to utilize the underwater space of Dubai to good effect, and pump in more for the local tourism industry to boast of. Even though this project is quite a few years away, it still has managed to already garner interests from around the world.

The way the hotel has been structured, is that there are 2 main portions/discs: 1 above the water level, and 1 below it. The unit below the water will have 21 suites rooms next to each other along with a wet bar. The unit above the waters will have the stairwell and common areas. The interesting aspect however, will be the underwater tourism opportunities, where by guests can operate smaller vehicles to tour the local arena and have photographs taken thereof. We could possibly imagine a few submarines for the local underwater tours as well, along with more innovative restaurants or common areas.

The Discus underwater Resort

Also, the other most important aspect of this project is that it’s an ecologically sustainable one. Though details will be furbished from time to time, regarding the engineering complexities, but eco-friendly tourism won’t disappear from the scheme of things.

Till more mysteries of this eco-friendly abode comes unveils, lets keep our fingers crossed!

via [ bornrich ]

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