Smart Bed, anyone?


Smart BEd

With so many things to do in the morning, making the bed gets a little nasty especially when you're being yelled at by your mom everytime you wake up, leaving it as it is. It's every kid's dilemma. Talk about lazybones. Well, if you're really that late or just in a hurry and still a little sleepy, you would just grab your coffee first, right?

That's why, people from OHEA, a spanish furniture maker has an easy solution for any reasons that you can come up with as to why you wouldn't want to deal with the bed making task at all.

Smart Bed

"Smart Bed" is the world's first automated bed that makes itself so that you can go ahead and leave the clutter. It works when set on an automatic mode. There's a panel on each side of the bed that opens where two mechanical arms with rollers extend then pulls the covers from the foot to the head of the bed. The pillows elevate and get straightened up by cords attached to it once the panels rotates and when the covers reaches the head of the bed the pillows falls on top of it again. No worries too since this bed is smart enough to know if the bed's empty or not.

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