The President now pinning on Pinterest
Hello, Pinterest? The President is calling.
Taking inspiration from the legions of web denizens (and potential voters) already hip to the pinning craze, U.S. President Barack Obama is now sharing his collection of favorite politically themed things and family recipes on Pinterest.
“Organizers, infographics, murals, and cake — now pinning all of the above for #Obama2012 on Pinterest,” the Barack Obama Twitter account announced Tuesday.
The President’s Pinterest page is run by his Obama for America campaign staff and has eight boards, 32 pins, and 1,156 followers as of this report. Campaign digital director Teddy Goff also confirmed the President’s pinning activity with this tweet today: “You asked, we answered: introducing…”
Pinterest, for those on an Internet hiatus, is the digital pinboard site where arts, crafts, fashion, food, and now political enthusiasts “pin” products to collections called “boards.” The inspirational social network is a runaway sensation. In February, Pinterest, at 17.8 million unique visitors, was the third-highest-gaining web property in terms of unique visitors, according to comScore’s calculations.
The startup has quickly become enmeshed within the population’s digital consciousness, making it a necessary social destination for a Twitter- and Facebook-savvy president seeking reelection.
Obama’s pinning actions, while no doubt essential to spreading more colorful, personality-infused messaging, will likely be a bigger boon for the social networking site than for the campaign. Consider this yet another defining moment for the still-small, 30-person, Palo Alto-based company.
via [ venturebeat ]
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3/28/2012 | Labels: Web |
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