PayPal’s mobile VP promoted to president


PayPal’s mobile VP

If you needed another indication that mobile payments are PayPal’s future, David Marcus is all the proof you need. Marcus was the top dog in the company’s mobile division, and under his leadership a whole bevy of new mobile initiatives have launched. Now, he’ll oversee the entire Ebay-owned online payment platform. Ebay announced the structural change today, and it means PayPal will continue to steam ahead in this still-nascent market.

Marcus knows his stuff when it comes to mobile payment technology. He owned a company called Zong, which specializes in authorizing customers to bill payments to their mobile carrier. PayPal acquired Zong last July, and as part of that deal Marcus began pioneering a lot of big changes for the site. For starters, PayPal now has a physical card-reading solution that lets customers accept credit card payments directly into their PayPal account in a physical, retail point-of-sale.

PayPal’s mobile VP

PayPal also now supports things like mobile check desposits and near field communifcation (NFC) support for contactless payments between account holders. “With David [Marcus] at the helm, we will have an even deeper commitment at PayPal, and across eBay Inc., to be a leading technology-driven and customer-focused product innovation company,” said Ebay CEO John Danahoe in an official blog post this morning.

via [ slashgear ]

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