Google Voice Finally Integrates Its Voicemail With Android
Google Voice is an incredibly useful tool, especially if you're juggling multiple phones, to make it easier for your friends and family to reach you no matter what device you're carrying at the moment. For all we love about it, Voice has never quite seemed like it had the full Android integration that would have made the most sense for the app. Given the steps we've seen Google take on other occasions when it didn't want to tread on the toes of carriers, though, we weren't that surprised. Luckily, Google's revisiting how Voice fits-in with the rest of Android, and has today announced a new update that puts Google Voice voicemails right along the rest of your messages on your phone's call log.
This change may not add new functionality to the app, but no longer requiring you to keep jumping into Voice whenever you want to access a voicemail is a nice touch that's really been too long coming. In addition to just being able to easily access these recordings, you'll be able to modify playback speed while you're listening, and check out their text transcripts.
Unfortunately, this new behavior will only work on phones running Ice Cream Sandwich, which just isn't that many users for the moment. If you've already made the leap to Android 4.0, check out Google Voice in the Google Play market now.
via [ pocketnow ]
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