Turntable Drawing Apparatus makes awesome artwork


Turntable Drawing Apparatus

If you happen to have a couple of turntables lying around the house, we’ve got the perfect project for you this weekend: use them to create a drawing machine. No idea where to start? Maybe the video above can help inspire you. Robert Howsare, a printmaking MFA student at Ohio University did the aforementioned on a shoestring budget of less than $50 with two turntables lying around the house

In addition to the turntables, he had some planks of wood, binding screws, machine screws, old records, and a sharpie mounted on a clothespin. Called the “Drawing Apparatus”, this contraption is really one of a kind and is pretty entertaining to watch, despite the repetitive motions. Just when you thought turntables were only good for playing music!

via [ ubergizmo ]

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