Airfree Onix 3000 Air Purifier Specifications and Pictures


Airfree Onix 3000 Air Purifier Pictures

Online store Hammacher has started selling the Airfree Onix 3000. It is a silent air purifier that eliminates up to 100% of airborne bacteria, mold, viruses, pet dander, dust mites, and pollen. The Airfree Onix 3000 uses a patented ceramic heating chamber that instantly destroys all microorganisms with 400º F heat or around 204º Celsius. The sanitized air is cooled and recirculated into the room, while the ceramic heating chamber will not affect the room temperature. If you are interested, you can purchase this air purifier for $299.95.

Source: TechFresh

Airfree Onix 3000 Air Purifier Pictures

Airfree Onix 3000 Air Purifier PicturesAirfree Onix 3000 Air Purifier PicturesAirfree Onix 3000 Air Purifier PicturesAirfree Onix 3000 Air Purifier Pictures

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