Big Blue Tabletop Speaker Specifications and Pictures


Big Blue Tabletop Speaker Pictures

Whenever the name Big Blue is invoked, we would more or less think that it has something to do with IBM – after all, that is what the company is synonymous for over the past few decades. There are two models from Big Blue Audio being made available to the masses from Brookstone, where both of these devices will come with the signature Power. Pair. Play. interface. Not only do these puppies look stylish in nature, they are also powerful speakers that can fill up your room, and they ditch the use of wires and cords thanks to the inclusion of Bluetooth connectivity. Basically, this means any Bluetooth-enabled device like smartphones, MP3 players, portable media players, laptops and tablets will be able to play nice. We will look at the Big Blue and Big Blue Live Wireless Speakers in greater detail after the jump.

First off, the Big Blue Tabletop Speaker will boast a couple of full-range speaker drivers that will cater for stereo highs and mids, where those are accompanied by a down-firing subwoofer, a passive radiator for bass, and an Aux in/Aux out. You do not need to have a dock to stream content from Bluetooth-enabled devices, and this package measures 9.5″ x 5″ x 5.33″, where it will set you back by $149.99 each.

As for the Big Blue Live, this is one diminutive device at a very portable 5″ x 2.5″ x 2.33″, making it a truly portable wireless speaker that is suitable for those who are constantly living out oa suitcase. As with the Big Blue Tabletop Speaker, this will also come in a choice of black or white colors, accompanied by dual stereo speakers and a passive radiator for bass. The battery has up to 6 hours of play time, and it will cost you $99.99 a pop. Any takers?

Source: Ubergizmo

Big Blue Tabletop Speaker Pictures

Big Blue Tabletop Speaker PicturesBig Blue Tabletop Speaker PicturesBig Blue Tabletop Speaker PicturesBig Blue Tabletop Speaker Pictures

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