White Nokia N9 Smartphone Specifications and Pictures


White Nokia N9 Smartphone Pictures

If you are a fan of that slick new Nokia N9 smartphone that we reviewed this week there is a bit of news for you today. Nokia has announced that it is adding a new version of the N9 to the family already. The new version comes in a white color. That white color is the only difference, the hardware inside is the same. Why is the white version a few days late in landing?

Apparently white gives Nokia the same sort of troubles it gave Apple with the iPhone. Nokia says that it wanted to be sure that the quality of the white phone was top notch for the buyers. Apparently, the manufacturing process for those white smartphones is more complex than other colors. The white finish of the N9 is glossy as well setting it apart from the matte finish on other N9 colors.

That glossy finish will mean more fingerprints though. The white N9 will be available starting in Q4 2011 in a 64GB version to start. Nokia has also announced that all versions of the N9 will soon get a new software update. That update will also be available to download in Q4 2011. New additions in the update will include music controls from the lock screen and the ability to close apps by swiping them down. NFC tag reading is also being added to the update.

Source: SlashGear

White Nokia N9 Smartphone Pictures

White Nokia N9 Smartphone PicturesWhite Nokia N9 Smartphone PicturesWhite Nokia N9 Smartphone PicturesWhite Nokia N9 Smartphone Pictures

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Sarah Scott said...

everything are going touch screen and this is all because Apple have pioneered it and the rest of the manufacturers followed, no one can do it better than Apple.