SensoGlove digital golf glove Specifications and Pictures


SensoGlove digital golf glove Pictures

There’s something about golf: either you are either completely obsessed with it, or you just don’t give a darn about it. I am of the latter camp, but I can see why the former would be interested in the SensoGlove.

The SensoGlove is billed as “the first digital golf glove”. I’m not certain what will be the second, but the SensoGlove has a “small, sweat-proof 1.2 LED digital monitor [that] analyses the pressure of the swing through highly responsive sensors place throughout the glove”.

I got a chance to try it out for myself, and I could feel the sensors in the fingertips. Squeezing on them too hard caused an tiny alrm to go off, and I even saw what finger was squeezing too hard. It works with real-time audio and visual feedback at 80 times per second to make sure you get your “target level of grip pressure”.

Clearly, only the serious golfer need apply. and for those who want to find the sweet spot on the swing will definitely want this. In other words, if you have one of those golf-obsessed people on your gift list this holiday, I recommend this. You can get it on the official SensoGlove site for a price of $89.

Source: Coolest Gadgets

SensoGlove digital golf glove Pictures

SensoGlove digital golf glove PicturesSensoGlove digital golf glove PicturesSensoGlove digital golf glove PicturesSensoGlove digital golf glove Pictures

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