Nokia Lumia 900 rises with the Dark Knight


Nokia Lumia 900 rises with the Dark Knight

Movie-themed gadgets are usually made for movie fanatics that's why, in time for Batman's new movie series " The Dark Knight Rises, Nokia will be launching a limited edition of a Batman-themed Nokia Lumia 900 come June.

Laser etched Batman logo can be seen on a jet black rear case giving you a feel like you have the real thing Bruce Wayne will use as one of his gadgets to protect the innocent. Duh. But then, it's still a cool feel amongst Batmaniacs out there for sure. After all, limited editions such as this will cost you 6oo.

Nokia Lumia 900 rises with the Dark Knight

Just like the normal Lumia 900, it's still packed with a 7.5 Windows Phone Tango, a 4.3-inch AMOLED display, a Qualcomm 1.4GHz CPU and with a 16GB of storage capacity.

Movie tickets will also be given away upon purchase so grab one soon and show it off with the Dark Knight when you make way for the cinema.

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