Samsung HM7000 Bluetooth Headset Specifications and Pictures


Samsung HM7000 Bluetooth Headset Pictures

It’s hard to stand out in the Bluetooth headset category, especially when most of them offer the same basic functionality, but once in a blue moon, there are ones that are able to capture our attention thanks to their acute taste for being different.

Well, that’s exactly what we are finding with the Samsung HM7000 as it boldly stands out with its elongated design – while still packing some intricate features that make the conversational experience such a joy. Bound for T-Mobile retail stores and RadioShack, this sleek and stylish headset sports a unique portable charging system that allows you to carry it around safely when it’s not being used. Plus, it helps that this smart and efficient charger unfolds into one spiffy looking desktop dock as well.

Combining its dual-microphones and echo cancellation technology, which is referred to as Samsung's isolat technology, it presents users with enhanced clarity to adapt to the ever-changing environmental conditions. Moreover, voice commands and voice prompts are some of the standard features included with it.

With its $99.99 pricing, it’s indeed something that’s going to come across as a premium offering – but it clearly shows why it’s up there. For those interested in the Samsung HM7000, it’ll become available with T-Mobile starting in October. Meanwhile, RadioShack will start offering it sometime in November.

Source: PhoneArena

Samsung HM7000 Bluetooth Headset Pictures

Samsung HM7000 Bluetooth Headset PicturesSamsung HM7000 Bluetooth Headset PicturesSamsung HM7000 Bluetooth Headset PicturesSamsung HM7000 Bluetooth Headset Pictures

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