Erythropoietin: A good source of exercise motivation



Fat problems? But you're too lazy to get your feet up and head out for the gym. Now there's a solution to kick up some adrenalin rush so you won't just sit around for long and perhaps even run a few marathons just by taking EPO.

Erythropoietin or known as EPO is a hormone produced from the kidneys that controls red blood cell production in a person. Athletes use this as a performance enhancing drug that increases their endurance.


In a recent study done by researchers from the University of Zurich in Switzerland, they discovered that EPO can increase the motivation to exercise as observed on three types of lab mice. One group that can produce human EPO genetically in their brains, another group were injected with EPO and the last group without it. Those with EPO showed an increase in the running performance with no increase in the red blood cells.

With this study, it would somehow work on humans as well that will stimulate activity, hence, the mood to work out the body and say goodbye to body fat in no time.

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