Play the cello in another level with the Magnetic Cello


The Magnetovore Magnetic Cello

Musicians and avid beginners may want to try out this newly developed cello, much different from the old school musical instrument but will still be able to deliver the same musical output.

Magnetovore, a magnetic cello, was created by Cal Poly SLO student David Levi after three years of enhancement until just recently, it was perfected through the help of some cellists and a professor from the Electrical Engineering Department.

The instrument is technically very simple. The bow switches select a tuning for the instrument, and pressing down on the resistive ribbon in different places along its length changes its output voltage. This voltage is fed into the VCO, which turns that voltage into a frequency. That frequency is fed through a voltage controlled amplifier. The voltage controlled amplifier is controlled by the voltage induced in the coil when the magnetic bow is moved, Levi said.
A limited number of Magnetic Cello will be made and will be released this summer for half the price of a standard accoustic cello, that according to Levi would range from $600-$900 respectively. Watch out for the demo video below how this magnetovore is played.

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