DSLR Cameras Cotton Carrier System Specifications and Pictures


Cotton Carrier System For DSLR Cameras Pictures

Intro2020 has announced the UK launch of the Cotton Carrier System, which eliminates the strain and pain placed on a photographer’s neck and shoulder when carrying one or two cameras. According to the company, the Cotton Carrier camera slings, camera vests and camera holsters will appeal to news photographers, sports photographers, wedding photographers and “active” photographers including mountain bikers, mountain climbers and snow boarders. The Cotton Carrier System comprises a vest (£139.00), a vest+holster combination for a two-camera setup (£169.99, pictured) as well as a range of accessories (from £46.00).

Source: PhotographyBLOG

DSLR Cameras Cotton Carrier System Pictures

Cotton Carrier System For DSLR Cameras PicturesCotton Carrier System For DSLR Cameras PicturesCotton Carrier System For DSLR Cameras PicturesCotton Carrier System For DSLR Cameras Pictures

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