Comfe Hands Specifications and Pictures


Comfe Hands Pictures

The end of all things geek comes when you're faced with extreme weather. It's uncontrollable, raises issues you need your devices for the most and ends up screwing them over in the bargain. Now if you want your hands to find the perfect mediator to come in contact with the iPad then the Comfe Hands accessory is just it. Firstly, it will not let your lovely fingers suffer the temperaments of the iPad's reactions to weather changes, if any, and secondly, it somehow makes the iPad feel lighter by adding a soft cushion on its sides. What you have at the end is a soft, comfortable grip for your tablet.

So no more slips, no more depressions in your palms, and let me tell you, Comfe Hands also doubles up as a vertical stand too.

Source: NewLaunches

Comfe Hands Pictures

Comfe Hands PicturesComfe Hands PicturesComfe Hands PicturesComfe Hands Pictures

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