Amazon Kindle Fire 2 Specifications and Pictures


Upcoming Amazon Kindle Fire 2 Pictures

If you happen to be considering picking up an Android slate and pondering on whether the Amazon Kindle Fire might be up your street, you might like to hold off purchasing for a couple of months as the latest rumour is that the bigger Amazon Kindle Fire 2 could possibly see release as early as May.

According to the guys over at Pocket Now, the China Times claims that the next generation Kindle Fire could see the light of day as soon as May and that Foxconn, the company that knocks out the iPhone and Apple iPad has been added the Amazon Kindle Fire 2 OEM list.

Apparently the original Kindle Fire Android tablet cost and estimated $250 to make whilst being sold for just $199, which naturally chopped into Amazon profits and as such Amazon is planning on reducing the production costs of the Kindle Fire 2 so they can actually make a profit.

Rumour has it that the Amazon Kindle Fire 2 houses lower priced internals although the specs for Amazon’s latest Android tablet aren’t known just yet, but apparently the word is components for the device will hit manufactures sometime next month with a possible shipping date sometime in May or June.

And that is all that’s know on the Amazon Kindle Fire 2 front for now, but if Amazon does deliver the Kindle Fire 2 by May obviously it will depend on what the Fire 2 offers in the way of specs, but will you consider picking up the new Android tablet?

Source: Phones Review

Amazon Kindle Fire 2 Pictures

Upcoming Amazon Kindle Fire 2 PicturesUpcoming Amazon Kindle Fire 2 PicturesUpcoming Amazon Kindle Fire 2 PicturesUpcoming Amazon Kindle Fire 2 Pictures

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