This is what a rug made out of 2,500 toy cars looks like


Rainbow Toy Car Made from 2,500 Cars Pictures

There are a few reasons to write about this giant circular rainbow made out of toy cars. First of all, did I mention it is a rainbow? Made out of 2,500 toy cars? How could you put those two things together and not write about it?

Each little car would be cool on its own (in my humble opinion) but when you put them all to end to end they look awesome x2,500. Frankly, that's a lot of cars to pull together, and in more colors that I would have ever have expected to roll off the miniature assembly line.

London-based artist David T. Waller must have known he was on to something with that combination when he created Car Atlas — Rainbow as an art installation. It was displayed in 2010 at Artsdepot's Apthorp Gallery and was voted the "people's favorite artwork."

The other reason to write about the Car Atlas? You said "wow" when you saw it didn't you? I did. Sometimes you just have to share cool stuff when it comes your way.

Source: Dvice

Rainbow Toy Car Made from 2,500 Cars Pictures

Rainbow Toy Car Made from 2,500 Cars PicturesRainbow Toy Car Made from 2,500 Cars PicturesRainbow Toy Car Made from 2,500 Cars PicturesRainbow Toy Car Made from 2,500 Cars Pictures

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