Sea Tree eco-tower is a self sufficient floating safe haven for plants and animals


Sea Tree eco-tower Pictures

The Sea Tree is a large self-sustaining eco-structure that would serve as a natural habitat for plants and animals in large urban areas.

As cities grow and land becomes even more valuable, very little consideration is often given to respective habitats for plants and animals. In fact, as our cities become more densely populated and our real jungles turn more and more into concrete ones, little regard is given to natural green spaces for humans to enjoy, let alone animals. So it’s encouraging to see Amsterdam-based designing a structure with especial attention paid to the various flora and fauna inhabiting our big cities. That structure is the aptly named Sea Tree.

What truly sets the Sea Tree apart from many of the other architectural structures we have seen is that it is specifically designed with plants and animals in mind. This isn’t a luxury highrise, or a mixed use building with ecological trappings tacked on. The Sea Tree has been designed to act as a floating habitat which creates a safe haven for plants and animals above and below water.

With the often debated negative changes in climate and the not-so-debated increase in urbanization, the large green structure from would seek to offset such impacts to the environment — bringing positive environmental benefits to the cities they would reside in.

Structurally, the Sea Tree isn’t as complex as its pictures might suggest. The tiered structure would be moored underwater and held in place by a cable that would serve as the frame for series of layers. These layers would host various plant and animal species and over time become a living ecosystem for various fish, birds, insects, and many more. The Sea Tree would incorporate technology similar (ironically) to offshore oil companies. What’s more the Sea Tree is totally self sufficient and could be used in a number of settings like lakes, rivers, and oceans.

Source: DigitalTrends

Sea Tree eco-tower Pictures

Sea Tree eco-tower PicturesSea Tree eco-tower PicturesSea Tree eco-tower PicturesSea Tree eco-tower Pictures

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