Polo Bike by Louis Vuitton: Craftsmanship over Technology


Polo Bike by Louis Vuitton Pictures

Are you the kind of person who favors craftsmanship over technology? The kind of would rather use a slow computer than an ugly computer? If so, you will surely be intrigued with the new Polo Bike from Louis Vuitton. This exquisite polo bicycle is the result of a partnership between French manufacturer Louis Vuitton and esteemed polo bike players Hengst and Barbier. It may not be the fastest or strongest bike available, but it’s certainly among the most strikingly elegant.

There was obviously a thorough attention to detail in the craftsmanship of the Louis Vuitton Polo Bike, from the tasteful frame to the elegant finishes: including etched bar plugs, fully wrapped shaft, embossed leather pedal straps (just to name a few). For those who can afford it, this could just be the most elegant option available in terms of Polo bikes. It’s not necessarily the state of the art from a technological standpoint, but it is most assuredly the utmost state of elegance.

For those who can observe the finer details, this bike exhudes a Louis Vuitton flair about it. This is not just a regular polo bike to which minor touches were added to justify a higher price; it’s a fully realized accessory by the renowned French manufacturer, which is sure to impress anyone who appreciates their superior craftsmanship. www.LouisVuitton.com

Source: StupidDope

Louis Vuitton Polo Bike Pictures

Polo Bike by Louis Vuitton PicturesPolo Bike by Louis Vuitton PicturesPolo Bike by Louis Vuitton PicturesPolo Bike by Louis Vuitton Pictures

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