Now Available Facebook for BlackBerry PlayBook Tablet v2.1


Now Available Facebook for BlackBerry PlayBook Tablet v21  Pictures

The latest update to Facebook® for BlackBerry® PlayBook™ tablet – version 2.1 – launched today in the BlackBerry App World™ storefront, and I’m excited to share that it includes a much-requested feature from #TeamBlackBerry – Facebook Groups. That’s right, listening to and incorporating your feedback on the application is very important to the Facebook app team here at Research In Motion. It helps us to deliver the features and functionality that users like you want and expect. So keep those suggestions* coming, #TeamBlackBerry! :)

If you haven’t already downloaded Facebook for BlackBerry PlayBook tablet v2.1, you can do so by going to BlackBerry App World (keep in mind it may take up to 24 hours for the new version to appear for some users). Let’s take a look at what’s new in this release, shall we?

Facebook Groups
Facebook Groups is designed to let you share and interact with the groups that you are interested in the most. With Facebook Groups on the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet, you can view groups that you’re a member of, post updates, photos and videos, view profiles of group members and send messages, and get notified of new group posts and interactions so you never miss an update.

Improved Media Access
You let us know in your comments and feedback that media viewing and uploading wasn’t intuitive in the application. We heard you loud and clear, and the Facebook app team has made some improvements by adding new photo and video buttons on the Photos tab to make it even easier to view friends’ photos and videos from their Profiles. The photo and video uploading capabilities are also now more apparent on the Photo tab, and are accessible from your Profile or through the Photos feature on the navigation grid. Simply click the Photos or Videos button to upload the corresponding media type.

Source: Blackberry

Facebook for BlackBerry PlayBook Tablet v21 Pictures

Now Available Facebook for BlackBerry PlayBook Tablet v21  PicturesNow Available Facebook for BlackBerry PlayBook Tablet v21  PicturesNow Available Facebook for BlackBerry PlayBook Tablet v21  PicturesNow Available Facebook for BlackBerry PlayBook Tablet v21  Pictures

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