Isometric Resistance Upper Body Strengthener Specifications and Pictures


Isometric Resistance Upper Body Strengthener Pictures

This is the isometric resistance trainer that provides a muscle-strengthening upper body workout that is gentle on joints. Users simply pull or push on the static handlebars without moving upper body joints, creating the same strength-enhancing resistance as free weights but without the strain or detrimental impact. Ideal for improving bone density and mitigating muscle loss, the device has a programmable timer and automatically monitors the applied force and displays the readings on the integrated backlit LCD, allowing users to set goals and determine progress. The device enables up to 23 exercises that strengthen and tone the arms, shoulders, chest, and back. Requires one 9-volt battery. 8" L x 6" W x 2" D. (2 1/2 lbs.)

Source: Hammacher

Isometric Resistance Upper Body Strengthener Pictures

Isometric Resistance Upper Body Strengthener PicturesIsometric Resistance Upper Body Strengthener PicturesIsometric Resistance Upper Body Strengthener PicturesIsometric Resistance Upper Body Strengthener Pictures

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