I-O Data WN-G150TR Pocket Wi-Fi Router Specifications and Pictures


I-O Data WN-G150TR Pocket Wi-Fi Router Pictures

I-O Data hits back by bringing you their latest pocket Wi-Fi router, the WN-G150TR. Measuring only 42mm x 56mm x 16mm and weighing just 25g, this travel-friendly device offers a wireless connection speed of up to 150Mbps and supports for WEP, WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK wireless security. Available in both black and white color options, the WN-G150TR will start shipping from late December for 3,100 Yen (about $40).

Source: TechFresh

I-O Data WN-G150TR Pocket Wi-Fi Router Pictures

I-O Data WN-G150TR Pocket Wi-Fi Router PicturesI-O Data WN-G150TR Pocket Wi-Fi Router PicturesI-O Data WN-G150TR Pocket Wi-Fi Router PicturesI-O Data WN-G150TR Pocket Wi-Fi Router Pictures

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