The gAtari cranks out 8-bit tunes, shows Guitar Hero who's daddy


gAtari - Atari 2600 chipmusic project Pictures

Is there anything more awesome than a gamer channeling his inner geek to create nerdtastic 8-bit music from old game consoles? This guy by the name of cTrix hooked an Atari 2600 up to some chip tunes and EQ pedals and created the gAtari — the Atari guitar.

The music isn't Jimi Hendrix, but in it's own geeky kind of homage way, it sounds, um, special. CTrix took the gAtari to Japan to play at the 2011 Blip Festival and Tokyo and the audience seems to love it.

I'd much prefer rocking some tunes out with the NES guitar by GetLoFi, but that's just me.

It doesn't look like cTrix is selling the gAtari, so if you want one of your own, you'll have to either ask him to make another one or build one yourself.


Source: Dvice

gAtari - Atari 2600 chipmusic project Pictures

gAtari - Atari 2600 chipmusic project PicturesgAtari - Atari 2600 chipmusic project PicturesgAtari - Atari 2600 chipmusic project PicturesgAtari - Atari 2600 chipmusic project Pictures

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