FCC BlackBerry Porsche Design Specifications and Pictures


The FCC Approves BlackBerry Porsche Design Pictures

RIM’s stunning Porsche Design P’9981 smartphone first appeared a couple months ago. The device did away with RIM’s glossy black plastic and chrome design, instead relying on a stainless steel frame, leather back and sculpted QWERTY keypad.

Today, the P’9981 hit the FCC with the model number REQ71UW, winning approval for GSM 850/1900, WCDMA bands II and V, Bluetooth, WiFi and NFC capabilities. The P’9981’s GSM and WCDMA bands correspond to AT&T’s spectrum in the United States, although it’s unclear if AT&T plans to release the device.

RIM hasn’t yet announced availability or pricing for the P’9981, but the device is expected to cost around $2000.

Source: Wireless Goodness

FCC BlackBerry Porsche Design Pictures

The FCC Approves BlackBerry Porsche Design PicturesThe FCC Approves BlackBerry Porsche Design PicturesThe FCC Approves BlackBerry Porsche Design PicturesThe FCC Approves BlackBerry Porsche Design Pictures

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