The Alexey Chugunnikov Rollerphone concept Specifications and Pictures


The Alexey Chugunnikov Rollerphone concept Pictures

The Alexey Chugunnikov Rollerphone seems inspired by both Minority Report and Tron: Legacy. This futuristic cellphone concept seems to blend the concepts of these two films together.

A watch and cellphone hybrid, the Alexey Chugunnikov Rollerphone acts like a mini projector on the wearer’s wrist. This projection shows the time on one side of the wrist and when the wearer turns it over, a roll out, transparent screen becomes available for phone calls.

A customizable design, the Alexey Chugunnikov Rollerphone encourages perfect ergonomics and anthropometry. Essentially, the screen rolls out right to the tips of the wearer’s fingers to ensure these features.

You can also watch videos, chat online, play games, read books and listen to music on the Alexey Chugunnikov Rollerphone.

Source: TrendHunter

The Alexey Chugunnikov Rollerphone concept Pictures

The Alexey Chugunnikov Rollerphone concept PicturesThe Alexey Chugunnikov Rollerphone concept PicturesThe Alexey Chugunnikov Rollerphone concept PicturesThe Alexey Chugunnikov Rollerphone concept Pictures

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