Patriot Memory Mac Series XT SSDs Specifications and Pictures


Patriot Memory Mac Series XT SSDs Pictures

The SATA III interface will definitely be put to work once owners of Apple MacBooks decide it is time for a Patriot Memory upgrade to their storage.

The new series of solid state drives from Patriot Memory are called Max Series XT SSDs and are powered by the SandForce SF-2281 SSD processor.

As with all SSDs, it is the controller that ultimately enables their read and write speeds.

In this case, the drives can attain data rates of up to 520 MB/s when reading and 500 MB/s when writing.

Of course, the lower capacity units probably won't be quite so speedy, since SSDs have a tendency of getting faster the larger their capacities are.

Nevertheless, even if the read/write speeds of the 60GB model are, indeed, lower than these maximum numbers, they will, nevertheless, be considerable, especially compared to those of HDDs.

“Patriot Memory’s Mac Series XT SSDs will provide users with a great alternative to traditional mechanical hard drives,” says William Lai, Patriot Memory’s product manager.

“Offering an easy solid state and memory upgrade, Mac users will be able to maximize their computing experience almost instantly.”

The Patriot Memory Mac Series XT SSDs are three in number, with capacities of 60 GB, 120 GB and 240 GB, respectively.

Other specifications include 80,000 IOPS maximum 4K random write and support for DuraClass, DuraWrite and TRIM.

Their prices, unfortunately, were not disclosed in the press release, but it is easy to guess that, like all SSDs, they won't exactly be low, especially considering the SATA III support.

Also, the products have already been tested at the Apple Developer Compatibility Labs for quality and reliability. so that, too, will add a bit to the final tags.

People seeking some PC SSDs might be more interested in the Pyro series, which took on its fastest form last month.

Source: Softpedia

Patriot Memory Mac Series XT SSDs Pictures

Patriot Memory Mac Series XT SSDs PicturesPatriot Memory Mac Series XT SSDs PicturesPatriot Memory Mac Series XT SSDs PicturesPatriot Memory Mac Series XT SSDs Pictures

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