iBuyPower Chimera 4 Gaming PC Specifications and Pictures


iBuyPower Chimera 4 Gaming PC Pictures

If you're in the market for a gaming PC, iBuypower has recently announced the release of its Chimera 4 desktop, which will surely turn heads and get you up to speed on the gaming grid.

The side of this mid-tower chassis features a mythical beast—possibly a fiery Balrog—wreathed in flames, giving it a "wow" factor, especially among fellow geeks. It's starting price point is quite affordable, $799, and comes with a quad-core AMD FX-4100 processor, 4GB of RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6770 (1GB), and a 600 Watt power supply.

There are three more base models, the last and most expensive of which features the new Intel Core i7-3930K Sandy Bridge-E processor with an AMD Radeon 6950 (2GB) GPU. Of course, before you reach the checkout page you can go through each component and upgrade everything down to the power supply, so the price can quickly rise before you finalize your purchase. Every Chimera 4 also comes with its CPU overclocked by at least 10 percent.

This announcement comes on the heels of iBuypower's Monday re-release of its Erebus and Paladin XLC gaming desktops, with the option to configure them with Intel's latest X79 chipset.

The Chimera 4 is currently available for purchase on iBuypower's Web site.

Source: PcMag

iBuyPower Chimera 4 Gaming PC Pictures

iBuyPower Chimera 4 Gaming PCiBuyPower Chimera 4 Gaming PCiBuyPower Chimera 4 Gaming PCiBuyPower Chimera 4 Gaming PC

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