Century Super Combo detached External HDD Enclosure Specifications and Pictures


Century Super Combo detached External HDD Enclosure Pictures

Century is offering you their latest external HDD enclosure namely the Super Combo detached. This aluminum enclosure can house one 3.5-inch SATA HDD with a total of 3TB of storage capacity and comes with three different types of connections interfaces: FireWire800/400, USB3.0/2.0 and eSATA. The Super Combo detached sells for 11,800 Yen (about $152).

Source: TechFresh

Century Super Combo detached External HDD Enclosure Pictures

Century Super Combo detached External HDD Enclosure PicturesCentury Super Combo detached External HDD Enclosure PicturesCentury Super Combo detached External HDD Enclosure PicturesCentury Super Combo detached External HDD Enclosure Pictures

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