AT&T Recycled Water Bottle Battery Charger Specifications and Pictures


AT&T Battery Charger Made From Recycled Water Bottles Pictures

The next time you take a look at the trash, if there happens to be any water bottles around, rest assured that some of them might actually end up being used as parts for a future Battery Charger from Ma Bell. Yes sir, as part of AT&T’s effort to deliver even more sustainable devices and accessories, their Motorola P793 Back-Up Battery Charger is composed of 25% of plastic where the external housing is concerned. Not only that, the P793 is also free of brominated flame retardants, polyvinyl chloride and phthalates. It is even product certified CarbonFree by, the first of its kind by AT&T, and hopefully not the last.

This portable back-up battery charger from Motorola is said to be the perfect tool that delivers additional juice for those who are constantly living on-the-go, and will be compatible with all USB devices by major manufacturers. Not only is it relatively tiny and lightweight, it can also juice up a couple of devices simultaneously thanks to the presence of two ports. Once your connected device is fully charged, it will shut off automatically to conserve energy.

Source: Ubergizmo

AT&T Recycled Water Bottle Battery Charger Pictures

AT&T Battery Charger Made From Recycled Water Bottles PicturesAT&T Battery Charger Made From Recycled Water Bottles PicturesAT&T Battery Charger Made From Recycled Water Bottles PicturesAT&T Battery Charger Made From Recycled Water Bottles Pictures

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