Wilson Electronics AWS 70 Indoor Signal Booster Specifications and Pictures


Wilson Electronics AWS 70 Indoor Signal Booster Pictures

See that beauty up above? That, dear friends, is the Wilson Electronics AWS 70 signal booster. We know, it doesn't look like the standard-issue 50-cent sticker that you slap underneath your battery, right? This beefy guy is meant to be a thousand times more effective, aiming to amplify your office's poor AWS signal -- most notably T-Mobile, but any 1700 / 2100 AWS connection can benefit -- by a total gain of 70dB. The booster offers the ability to manually adjust the amount of gain for uplink and downlink separately, so you can optimize it however you deem fit. With a MSRP of $360, it's not for the weak-walleted -- you'll likely want to put it on the company tab. If you're interested in how this all goes down, check out the presser below.

Source: Engadget

Wilson Electronics AWS 70 Indoor Signal Booster Pictures

Wilson Electronics AWS 70 Indoor Signal Booster PicturesWilson Electronics AWS 70 Indoor Signal Booster PicturesWilson Electronics AWS 70 Indoor Signal Booster PicturesWilson Electronics AWS 70 Indoor Signal Booster Pictures

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