LG Optimus 3D game converter Specifications and Pictures


LG Optimus 3D receives 3D game converter Pictures

What’s the point of having a 3D-capable smartphone if you aren’t going to take advantage of it? The thing is, there aren’t too many 3D software making their way around these days, so looking for that killer app might be a wee bit tricky. Well, lose not your faith, as LG has started to deliver a new firmware version for the European version of the LG Optimus 3D that sports the version number V10K – making it the first to come with LG’s 3D Game Converter software.

With this firmware update, basically it enables any regular Android game to run software in stereoscopic 3D as long as it relies on OpenGL graphics. Currently, LG is working on a list of officially-supported, 3D-convertible titles, but bear in mind that the link in the converter app is still broken at press time.

So far, external tests with Angry Birds Rio proved to be favorable, with reports of it placing the 3D effects to be on par with the native S3D games that come pre-loaded on the Optimus 3D, albeit your favorite angry feathered friends do see a drop in performance when compared to standard 2D mode. Should the game you’re interested in not be found on LG’s approved 3D list, you can still attempt to force 3D mode on it without any guarantees of safe passage.

No idea on a US release of this update though, making us glance across the pond with envious eyes.

Source: Ubergizmo

LG Optimus 3D game converter Pictures

LG Optimus 3D receives 3D game converter PicturesLG Optimus 3D receives 3D game converter PicturesLG Optimus 3D receives 3D game converter PicturesLG Optimus 3D receives 3D game converter Pictures

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