Hoya PRO1 Digital ND32 And ND64 Neutral Density Filters Specifications and Pictures


Hoya PRO1 Digital ND32 And ND64 Neutral Density Filters Now Available Stateside Pictures

THK Photo Products has announced the US availability of the new Hoya PRO1 Digital ND32 and ND64 neutral density filters. These filters allow you to use long exposures in strong daylight. The ND32 is a 5-stop neutral density filter, while the ND64 is an even darker filter that allows you to set exposure times that are 6 times longer than would otherwise be possible in the given lighting conditions, at the lowest ISO speed of your camera and your choice of f-stop. THK Photo Products is the US distributor for Tokina lenses, Hoya filters, Kenko photo accessories and SLIK camera support systems.

Source: PhotographyBLOG

Hoya PRO1 Digital ND32 And ND64 Neutral Density Filters Pictures

Hoya PRO1 Digital ND32 And ND64 Neutral Density Filters Now Available Stateside PicturesHoya PRO1 Digital ND32 And ND64 Neutral Density Filters Now Available Stateside PicturesHoya PRO1 Digital ND32 And ND64 Neutral Density Filters Now Available Stateside PicturesHoya PRO1 Digital ND32 And ND64 Neutral Density Filters Now Available Stateside Pictures

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