HIOD One Sport Communicator For Cyclists Specifications and Pictures


HIOD One Sport Communicator For Cyclists Pictures

Here's rather an interesting new product for cyclists. The makers of the HIOD One claim that it is the world's first sports communicator. It uses a Bluetooth-based system called PalTalk to provide an instant link with up to five other cyclists who can be up to 400 metres apart. It also works with mobile phone to enable the user to make and receive calls and stream music.

The device is compatible with voice activated phones, so you can simply bark your instructions to make and receive calls etc.

The HIOD One is designed to be attached to a bike's handlebar and sports a OLED display. There's also a control unit and earphones and microphone.

Source: Shiny Shiny

HIOD One Sport Communicator Pictures

HIOD One Sport Communicator For Cyclists PicturesHIOD One Sport Communicator For Cyclists PicturesHIOD One Sport Communicator For Cyclists PicturesHIOD One Sport Communicator For Cyclists Pictures

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