Atari Flashback 3 Console Specifications and Pictures


Atari Flashback 3 Console Pictures

If you are a fan of retro gaming it might be worth you checking out the new Atari Flashback 3 which has just been launched by Atari. That will brings with it 60 classic retro games from the 1980′s.

The Flashback 3 has been designed to look like the old classic Atari 2600 from back in the day, comes complete with two classic Atari joysticks, and preloaded with 60 games including classic such as Asteroids, Centipede, and Adventure.

Unfortunately though the Atari Flashback 3 doesn’t include the greats like Space Invaders, Pong, and Pitfall which is a great shame. But if that doesn’t put you off the Atari Flashback 3 is now available to purchase for around $40. Enjoy!

Source: Geeky Gadgets

Atari Flashback 3 Console Pictures

Atari Flashback 3 Console PicturesAtari Flashback 3 Console PicturesAtari Flashback 3 Console PicturesAtari Flashback 3 Console Pictures

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